Can I Turn My Wife On?

Do you love your wife, but she seems cool and stand off-ish. Do you want to turn your wife on? I’ll tell you a secret. She’s as frustrated as you are.

Do you wish you could ‘look under her hood’ ?

It’s a fact that sex in a long term relationship lasts about 5 minutes on average. Maybe less if you have kids. That’s depressing! But here’s the good news. You can change that in YOUR life. Are you ready for the tip that could revolutionize your sex life forever? Your wife is a diesel engine and you run on gas.  (I heard you snicker, that’s not what I meant.)

Some of you may not be mechanics but I’ll explain.

smoking diesel dodge pickupFor a guy, it doesn’t matter how “cold” it is in his world, if you turn him on, in five minutes he’s rev-ed up and ready to go. Diesels don’t work like that. If it’s cold out it might not start at all. If it starts, it rattles and grumbles and takes forever to warm up, but boy, does it go once it gets warm! You never jump in a diesel and turn the key, NEVER! The glow plugs have to warm things up just to get started. And you never drive a diesel cold. It’s sluggish, doesn’t respond well and performance is mediocre at best. But who’s fault is it the driver’s or the engine’s? There’s nothing wrong with gas engines. There’s nothing wrong with diesels. They are just different. If you treat an engine according to what it is and not by how you think it should be, you will have better results. Is this starting to make sense to you guys?

diesel on a rollA diesel’s response time is much better when she’s been plugged in. Have you “plugged” in to you wife lately? Husbands, you set the tone of the evening the minute you walk in the door. You wife is just as tired as you are, both mentally and physically. But she still has four hours (or more) to go, as you plomp down in your chair.

If your boss came into your office, rattled off a to-do list for you, then proceeded to sit down in your chair, put his feet up on your desk, and tell you how you are doing the tasks wrong, how would you feel?

Bitter, angry, resentful? If this happened day after day, wouldn’t you either become resigned and uncaring about the criticism or become so angry that you’d feel like quitting? Are you beginning to see where this is going? Does it shed some light on some of the anger or pain that you see in your house? So, let’s play out a typical evening in everyday USA. You walk in the house, past the garbage that stinks (making sure to mention the smell), past a wife up to her elbows in supper and dish soap. You complain because supper’s not ready, walk past the frig to sit down( then ask if she could bring you a drink), Then kick off you shoes into the middle of the floor and growl at the kids because their toys are all over the floor (next to your shoes). In your first five minutes home, you have set up an evening of stress, tension and anger. Now, is it any wonder that you aren’t getting the response you want at bed time? Really.

Now you understand the problem. We will be be visiting more about things you can do to turn your wife on.

Sissy Neel

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